Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Summer is here and I can not complain about it being too cold out anymore...although this humidty is awful! I am going to make a huge effort to shed some extra pounds this means of doing it will be by bike. I am going to combine taking pictures with my new camera with riding my bike ( not at the same time...that would be dangerous. ) I love old rustic farms and rural buildings as well as trains. I figure I can bike to locations with these features and kill to birds with one stone.

If you know of any good place to photograph these things or a great bike route, please feel free to let me know in a comment or email.

Have a great day !

1 comment:

Sheila Raddatz said...

Have you ever been out to Mendota? They have a train stop visitor center and trains that you can walk around in. I took some pictures there. Nothing great but there is some visual interest there.