Thursday, September 03, 2009


I love when God starts doing a changing work in my heart. One that draws me closer to Him. I will admit, it does come fast and furious and sometimes hurts a little.

Yesterday I was reading the Andrew Murray Daily Reader and it talked about how we need to meet with God First thing each day, not somewhere during the day. I have always read my bible at sometime during the day, but never really made it a first priority. That's change #1.

Change #2 came this morning when I was listening to the devotional they do every morning on Shine.FM . They talked about how when we pray we need to not only pray for the things around us, but we need to pray for ourselves as well. We need to ask God for things such as the Fruits of the Spirit to be more evident in our lives as well as for God to use me to help others to know his love.

Both of these are things I am definitely putting into the forefront of my life. I love when God changes me from the Inside Out. We do a worship song in youth group entitled From The Inside Out that talks about just this and how it draws us closer to God. Here is a part of the lyrics to that song:
" my heart and my soul, Lord I give you control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise become my embrace
To love You from the inside out "

When we let God change us from the inside out, it is more of a genuine lasting change and it will stay with us.

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